What is Slow Food?
Slow Food is a non-profit association with 100,000 members in 150 countries around the world. Founded by Carlin Petrini in 1986, it aims to promote good, clean, and fair food worldwide.
Good to eat, for its organoleptic qualities, but also for the identity and emotional values it carries.
Clean because it is produced in an environmentally sustainable and respectful way.
Fair because it complies with social equity during production and marketing.
For Slow Food, it is necessary to restore the right value to food, respecting those who produce it, those who eat it, the environment, and the palate.
Therefore, Slow Food is committed to:
• defending real food - discover the products protected by Slow Food Presidia, those cataloged by the Ark of Taste, those sold directly by producers in the Earth Markets.
• promoting the right to pleasure: from knowledge, to sociality, to conviviality, to pleasure. Because the more you know, the better you choose, the better you live! Sharing food encourages meeting, dialogue, and the joy of being together. Get involved in the events that Slow Food organizes every day, dinners, tastings, or other events near your home. And don't miss the major events of the Slow Food network: Cheese, Slow Fish, Salone del Gusto, and Terra Madre.
• spreading gastronomic culture: to go beyond the recipe, because behind food there are producers, territories, emotions, and knowledge. With your membership card, you have dedicated discounts on Master of Food, on books and guides from Slow Food Editore, at events, and "in friendly places."
• educating for the future: the future needs fertile land, plant and animal species, less waste, and more biodiversity, less concrete, and more beauty. If you know the food you eat, you can help the planet. This is what Slow Food promotes in activities with schools and families, and with projects like School Gardens and 1000 Gardens in Africa.